Welcome to the high tech future of hearing -  Introducing the Active from Signia

Welcome to the high tech future of hearing - Introducing the Active from Signia

Take your performance to the next level

Take your hearing to the next level with Signia Active 

Why do people look for an edge in today's fast-moving world? From your smartphone to your sports shoes, finding the right accessories helps you ge the most out of life, perform at your best, and Be Brilliant. The same is now possible for your hearing.

Signia Active helps you cut through the noise and take your hearing to the next level.

Signia Active hearing devices not only stream music and phone calls via Bluetooth in high-definition sound. They also enhance your overall hearing experience, especially in difficult acoustic situation such as large gatherings and noisy places.

Best of all, the Signia Active pro is an instant fit product so you can trial this incredible new form factor for yourself on the same day as your appointment.

ProEXR File Description

cameraAperture (float): 36
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cameraProjection (int): 0
cameraTargetDistance (float): 0.0842747
cameraTransform (m44f): [{0.0342227, 0.339597, -0.939948, 0.0304521}, {0, -0.940499, -0.339796, -0.0682603}, {-0.999414, 0.0116287, -0.0321864, -0.0131806}, {0, 0, 0, 1}]
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vrayInfo/rendertime (string): " 0h 19m 53.4s"
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A (half)
B (half)
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R (half)
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RGB color denoised.G (half)
RGB color denoised.R (half)
Surface ID Output.B (half)
Surface ID Output.G (half)
Surface ID Output.R (half)
defocusAmount (half)
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diffuseFilter.G (half)
diffuseFilter.R (half)
effectsResult.B (half)
effectsResult.G (half)
effectsResult.R (half)
noiseLevel (half)

Key features of the new Signia Active


Enhanced Speech Understanding


Brilliant Sound


Bluetooth iPhone connectivity


Recharge on-the-go


Automatic situation detection

Signia-icon_Instant-Fit_1000x1000_ BIGGER

Instant Fit

No more changing batteries

No more changing batteries

With industry leading sound quality and speech understanding, now comes industry leading battery charging technology.

Every Signia Active comes with its own handy sized pocket charging case which lets you put your hearing aids in and out of your ears as you need them. The Signia Active itself has up to 26 hours of listening on a single charge, enough for you to go, and go and go.

Plus, the charging case has an additional 3 days of charge should you need to top them up on the go.

Active hearing aids, for active people. Be Brilliant with Signia Active

State-of-the-art connectivity meets high-defintion prescription audio found in the most advanced hearing aids in the world.

Experience the new Signia Active for yourself today with a free trial

Book an appointment