Introducing Primax. A product designed to redefine your ease of listening.
We like to keep our clients up to date on any major changes in the market and this product is the first biggest change from Siemens in 18 months!
Highlights include:
- Hear as well as you did in your 20’s. The new Primax is clinically proven to outperform normal hearing in a noisy environment.
- Converse with family and friends with total ease. Primax can now identify a human voice and suppress other surrounding sounds. A revolution for noisy environments such as meetings, restaurants, dinners and gatherings.
- Enjoy all sounds not just voices. It used to be that in order to hear voices, other sounds had to suffer. With HD music, this is no longer the case.
- Put it on and off you go. Primax now comes with the most advanced automatic functionality ever seen in a hearing aid. No more adjusting and fiddling around.
- Dramatically reduces listening effort. Like our eyes squinting when we have trouble seeing, very much the same kind of effort is required when listening. Fortunately with the new Primax range from Siemens, the effort required to hear is dramatically reduced meaning you are hearing more naturally and organically than ever before.
As you are probably aware, every hearing aid release comes with the claim that it is the greatest hearing aid of all time. It seems as though a new hearing aid is coming to the market every two months. It is for this reason exactly that in the past few years we have trialled these products extensively before promoting them to the larger public.
The results so far have been amazing.
Our clients are reporting a dramatic improvement over their previous models. One of our clients even reported that after a first fit of this device, for the first time ever she was able to hear every word spoken of her favourite TV show. Another reported that he heard his very softly spoken wife in a restaurant for the first time in 40 years!
As you can imagine, we are extremely excited to show this new product to our clients and for this reason we have a series of free trial events planned for the month of July. Be sure to come back and check our website in the coming week for information on times and locations.
For more information on this amazing product, go to our contact us page and we can send you some information in the mail or visit the Siemens Primax page and learn about the amazing range of new products just released under the Primax banner.