About Us -

This week, we sat down with Kevin Brown, Maria's son, and talked to him to find out more about him! How long have you been in and why did you get into the hearing industry? "I started the hearing clinic with my mother (Maria Brown) in 2004. We actually just passed our 17 year anniversary. Originally I found the technology and the difference it could make really fascinating which is why I was studying Audiometry for two years. It was during my time balancing my studies and managing the clinic that I realised the business management and advertising sides of...

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We are excited to announce that our Eastern Shore office has reopened at 32 Wellington Rd, Lindisfarne this August 1st. As many of you will know, during the pandemic last year we were forced to temporarily close our Eastern Shore office due to health and safety reasons. We greatly appreciate how supportive and understanding you and the rest of our clients have been in commuting to our Hobart office for appointment and supplies. Our new address and contact details: Address: 32 Wellington Rd, Lindisfarne TAS 7015 Phone number: 1300 797 519 Email: Opening Hours: Monday: 9am - 12pm Tuesday: 9am - 12pm Wednesday: 9am -...

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Children's Hearing Test is now available at Maria Brown Hearing Clinic.   Available for children aged 4-17. Book online today. Why does my child need a hearing test? There a few different reasons why your child should have his or her hearing tested: Your child did not pass his or her new-born hearing screening or school hearing screening You, loved ones, or your child’s teacher has concerns that your child has difficulty hearing or following directions Your child reports that they have trouble hearing Your child is undergoing ear surgery Your child is starting medication that could affect hearing How often does...

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1. Earwax is Not Really Wax It’s called wax, but it’s not a wax at all. The name comes from the waxy texture. Earwax is made partially of skin cells from the auditory, or ear, the canal. This area contains skin that is always renewing itself.  2. Earwax Safeguards Your Ears It’s role is to protect the skin inside the auditory canal. It takes just a small break in that skin to cause an infection that leads to an earache. The strange texture of the earwax lubricates this skin, as well, and it is a natural antimicrobial, so it stops...

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Please welcome our new Audiologist James!🤲   Originally from New South Wales, James recently moved to Tasmania early on this year after he completed his University degree in Melbourne.   He initially graduated in Linguistic and have done some audiology subjects, which got him interested in the industry from the first place.   James was working in IT before he decided to switch gear to find his passion in audiology again.   He wanted to utilise his skills and knowledge to do something meaningful, so he decided to go back to study and finished his master’s degree to become an...

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